UMGG Tournament Draw
July 15-17th 2022
Any boxer with a bye will box Sunday for Championship with exception of Elite Male 139lbs. Advancing boxers from Friday 15th will box Sat 16thwinners will box Sun 17th for Championship.
Novice Boxers that advance from Friday will box for the Champion on Saturday 16th.
Elite (Open) Boxers
Elite Female 125lbs
Alissa Boltz Regin 2 Jungle Boy vs Donaire Nunez Region 2 Box Sunday for Championship
Elite Female 132lbs
Asiya Mohamed Element Gym Declared Champion
Elite Female 139lbs
Lunda Snow Region 4 St. Cloud Golden Gloves Declared Champion
Elite Female 154lbs
Ashley Nelson Region 2 Bemidji Boxing Declared Champion
Elite Male 112lbs
Hser Htoo Region 2 Backyard Boxing Declared Champion
Elite Male 125lbs
Zaro Snyder Region 1 Minneapolis Boxing Bye
Davia Holmes Region 1 Wurk Boxing vs Nchatxu Vang Region 2 Sir Boxing Box Saturday 16th
Elite Male 139lbs
Isayah Smith Region 1 Twin Ports Boxing Bye
Andrew Griggs Region 2 Jungle Boy Boxing vs Karlence Rozambert Region 2 Sir BoxingBox Friday 15th
Dominic Badillo Region 3 Toro’s Gym vs Gabriel Gonzalez Region 2 UnattachedBox Friday 15th
Justin Hill Region 1 Ludy’s Gym vs Deontae Williams Region 1 CODBox Friday 15th
Elite Male 147lbs
Eduardo Valenzuela Region 2 Top Team Bye
Garrett Neal Region 1 Northside Boxing vs Clyde Willrich Region 1 Ludy’s Gym box Saturday 16th
Elite Male 156lbs
Isaiah Abalan Region 1 COD Bye
Cedric Fillyaro Region 4 St. Cloud Golden Gloves vs Britton Kleeb Region 4 Bemidji Boxing Box Saturday 16th
Elite Male 165lbs
Jerred Bradford Region 1 Lyke’s Gym Bye
Anthony Moberg Region 4 Takedown Boxing vs Daveone Olive Region 4 St. Cloud Golden Gloves Box Saturday 16th
Elite 176lbs
Knowledge Johnson vs Antonio Varney will box for championship on Sunday 17th
Elite Male 203lbs
Cadin Vowels Region 2 Top Team Declared Champion
Novice Boxers
Novice Male 139lbs
Jeroson Gaurduward Region 1 Ludy’s Gym Bye
Andrew Burridge Region 2 Top Team vs Ryan Klingbeil Region 4 Nordic Warriors Box Friday 15th
Novice Male 147lbs
David Cruz Region 2 Unattached vs Nikon Shuran Region 1 Unattached Box Saturday 16th
Novice Male 156lbs
Kyle Edblom Region 2 Unattached Bye
Darlin Nikouanyep Region 2 Top Team vs James Schwartz Region 4 Nordic Warriors Box Friday 15th
Novice Male 165lbs
Kedric Hardy Jr. Region 2 Sir Boxing vs Jonathan Jensen Region Nordic Warriors Box Saturday 16th
Novice Male 176lbs
Jose Hernandez Region 2 Unattached vs Kaden Wheeler Region 2 Element Gym Box Saturday 16th
Novice Male 189lbs
Ryanlee Altreche Region 3 Rouge Boxing vs John Williams Region 1 Ludys’ Gym Box Saturday 16th
Novice Male 203+
Michael Ferguson Region 2 Top Team vs Quin Segal Region 3 Rouge Boxing Box Saturday 16th