24 year old Alex Wiggs (4-2) of Minneapolis, MN traveled to Des Moines, Iowa on July 28 where he pounded out a huge win over local prospect Luis Saldana (10-6). The victory was unanimous over three rounds of action.
Wiggs was a little less active then Saldana in the opening round but took over in the second round while dominating the third.  Wiggs’ striking was on point as he landed heavy head shots, leg kicks. Wiggs was getting off first and throwing more as well as Saldana seemed stunned because of the heavy attacks from the Minnesotan.

“I won my fight against a really tough opponent.” said Wiggs afterwards. ” He was game. I didn’t know it at the time but he had Johnny Case in his corner and he was training out of a really good gym in Arizona. Some people thought that I shouldn’t have taken the fight but I proved everybody wrong. I just want to thank everybody. Thank the fans, thank the fans in Iowa, and just continue to watch because there are big things coming, soon so stay tuned.”


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