travis wiuffTravis “Diesel” Wiuff (75-21) of Rochester, Mn was set to compete later tonight in an off the radar fight show reportedly being streamed live from Saint Petersburg, Russia. The 39 year old world traveled Wiuff was set to face another former UFC competitor Wes Sims of Columbus, Ohio. However, “Gender Wars” promoter Brad Kohler announced this past Wednesday that Wiuff had fallen off the show. Kohler, who was a hard hitting former UFC combatant himself stated that Wiuff had “pussed out” when dropping the news that he was out.

Wiuff is a veteran of nearly 100 fights and says he see’s things differently. Wiuff wanted to explain his decision to decline the fight and told Minnesota Fight News that he pulled out because there were too many question marks regarding the show. Mainly the location that the card would be taking place and things such as a million dollar purse being promised to the winner of the women versus man bout.


This show was never going to take place in Russia” said Wiuff bluntly. “The show is taking place at a warehouse in Maple Grove, Minnesota. Honestly, I was excited to face a guy like Sims if the show was going to be legit. But I want to end my career on a good note. I don’t want one of my last fights to be surrounded by controversy. I’ve only had to pull out of one other fight in my career. How can he (Kohler) call me unprofessional when he is promoting something with so many question marks? If he wants to call me a puss, how about we meet in the cage and we can see who the puss really is.”


Gender Wars will move forward tonight despite Wiuff being out. 48 year old Serbian Miodrag Petkovic (24-24-1) was the replacement opponent set to face Sims but it has just been revealed that Sims also pulled himself off the card late this afternoon. The main event features a clash between a women named Tess Barrall and an “average Joe”. Neither has a fight background aside from training for tonight’s fight.  More details can be found on our previously released preview (CLICK HERE FOR STORY). Stay tuned for updates.