Driller Promotions has blown the roof off the Expo Center at prior Muay Thai events with fans packing the arena. This show appears to have the makings to meet and even exceed those shows.  A few of those fighters also shared their thoughts on tomorrow’s opponents and let fans know what they can expect.

Thomas Jenkins (1-1) Academy vs. Jacob Rodriguez (0-0) Houston Muay Thai- 185 lbs.
Tom is a local and newer pro at 1-1. He has been training a long time and was nearly 330 pounds when he started. He’s now fighting at 185 pounds and won his last fight against a 6-0 guy at 205 with an epic body shot KO last year and Canterbury Park. His opponent, Jacob Rodriguez is fighting out of Houston, Texas and is on the US national team for Muay Thai. He won the IFMA Pan American Championships last October. This will technically be his first pro fight, but he is also headed to the world championships in Cancun, Mexico in May. He has some heavy KO power.


Kuchlong Kuchlong (1-0)  Academy vs. BJ Van Beusekom (0-0) McCune’s- 165 lbs.
This fight has an interesting background. They fought years ago as amateurs with Kuchlong winning a decision. Kuchlong moved to the US as a refugee from Sudan when he was 13 years old, and BJ is an ultra marathoner. As in, he runs 80-100 mile races. They are both interesting guys!