- Jonathan Perez lands a left hook
- Celso Ramirez wins by stoppage victory
- VeShawn Owens lands a straigh left
Veshawn Owens landed a huge amount of unanswered punches in the second round as Omar Avelar stood along the ropes that forced referee Mark Nelson to stop the bout at 1:30 of the second round. Owens looked sharp in his debut.
Harold Calderon stopped Clifford McPherson at 1:29 of the first round after McPherson threw a right-left that Calderon blocked which sent McPherson to the ground in pain. Referee Mark Nelson began to count as McPherson went down and the ringside physician shortly after said he could not continue.
Celso Ramirez knocked Alex Eastman down three times in the opening round, scoring the knockout victory.
Jonathan Perez won an exciting six round battle against Knight. Perez out landed and out banged Knight but it wasn’t easy. Scores rea 60-53 on all cards.