MMA: BEN NEUMANN RETURNS AT LFA 41 THIS FRIDAY May 31, 2018 Jesse Kelley Off MN MMA NEWS, OUR LATEST FEATURE STORIES, 32-year-old Ben "The Baker" Neumann (12-5) of White Bear Lake, MN will be featured once...
MMA: HUCKBODY FEATURED THIS SATURDAY IN WALKER, MN May 31, 2018 Jesse Kelley Off MN MMA NEWS, OUR LATEST FEATURE STORIES, 23-year old Collin Huckbody (3-2) of Nevis, Minnesota will face William "Arby" Brown Otter this...
BOXING: MUWENDO SUFFERS FIRST DEFEAT IN SLUGFEST May 27, 2018 Jesse Kelley Off MN BOXING NEWS, OUR LATEST FEATURE STORIES, 29-year-old Ismail "The Sharp Shooter" Muwendo (19-1) suffered the first defeat of his professional boxing...
BOXING: *UPDATE*DANYELLE WILLIAMS FIGHTS TONIGHT IN CINCINNATI May 25, 2018 Jesse Kelley Off MN BOXING NEWS, OUR LATEST FEATURE STORIES, *UPDATE* Williams completed all requested pre-fight demands. After arriving in Cincinnati, he was told more...
BOXING: MENGISTU ZARZAR: A WARRIOR OF TWO CONTINENTS May 23, 2018 Jesse Kelley Off MN BOXING NEWS, OUR LATEST FEATURE STORIES, BY RAY KILGORE: At 35, Mengistu Zarzar has spent most of his life struggling with...
MUAY THAI: SMOKER AT THE ACADEMY THIS AFTERNOON May 19, 2018 Jesse Kelley Off OUR LATEST FEATURE STORIES, The Academy in Brooklyn Park, MN will be hosting Muay Thai smoker fights this afernoon...
BOXING: FOX 9 NEWS VISITS WITH JAMAL JAMES May 18, 2018 Jesse Kelley Off MN BOXING NEWS, OUR LATEST FEATURE STORIES, MINNEAPOLIS (KMSP, By Pierre Noujaim) - Jamal James has come a long way in...
MMA: HEDEN, ASPLUND CLASH THIS SATURDAY AT NO MERCY 8 May 17, 2018 Jesse Kelley Off MN MMA NEWS, OUR LATEST FEATURE STORIES, Minnesota MMA Events: Driller Promotions heavyweight champion Brian Heden (30-16) of Frazee, MN is set...
MUAY THAI: YOUNG LANDS FIGHT ENDING ELBOW AT MECCA XII May 13, 2018 Jesse Kelley Off OUR LATEST FEATURE STORIES, Driller Promotions continued to showcase Minnesota's growing and talented Muay Thai scene on Saturday night...
MUAY THAI: WATCH MECCA XII LIVE STREAM HERE May 12, 2018 Jesse Kelley Off OUR LATEST FEATURE STORIES, This page is home to tonight's live stream of Mecca XII Muay Thai at Canterbury...
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